Sunday, July 19, 2009


I've made a horrible, horrible discovery -- homemade ice-cream sandwiches. Cookies. Ice-cream. They are two things that, independently, I already had a dangerous liking for. Dangerous, because I have no self-control when either of them are in my kitchen. Now that they have combined forces, they are like a super-villain, and I am powerless against them...

The cookies pictured above are among my favorites -- oatmeal -- very similar to this Betty Crocker recipe, but sans walnuts, and with cinnamon added. The ice-cream is Dreyer's Vanilla.


  1. Did you take this picture? That's a good picture.

  2. Oh no! I'd never even thought of doing this before, and that picture makes me REALLY want one! Super villain, indeed! :-)

  3. Yum! One of my favorites is It's It (same as yours, but chocolate covered). Heard of it?

  4. my cookies didn't quite turn out as flat... they were really poofy! will have to bake these with you sometime
