Here's an earlier post about another time this happened to us...
I have a lot to blog about, but haven't had the time or the internet access to do so. I've been at the new apartment for almost 2 weeks and have been busily aquiring furniture and appliances. Most of the stuff I've found has been from Asiaxpat, which, I have to say, is a great place to look for deals. It's a site that allows you to place free ads for almost anything that you want to buy or sell. So far I've bought a chest of drawers, a sofa, an arm chair, some sofa cushions, a TV, DVD player, and will get a wardrobe sometime this weekend. As I said, there are a lot of deals, but boy, all the address-hunting and picking up has been exhausting. I'll be glad when I'm done... but I think I'll definitely keep tabs on what's available for a while. I have some interesting stories about my pick-ups that I hope to share soon. Stay tuned.
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