Thursday, June 01, 2006

reality check

My brother, Steve, is home from college. He just finished his freshman year at Biola, and is really enjoying it. As you can see from this photo, he's experienced a lot of change in the 12 months since his graduation from high school.

In case you're worried that my little 19-year-old brother has really tied the knot, you can put your mind at ease. This is a picture from a show that he and some friends at Biola did called "Reality Check." In the 6th and final episode, Spencer (his character), and his girlfriend, Gwendolyn, get married.

Though completely fictitious, this photo does do a little reality check on me. It makes me want to light candles and sing "Sunrise, Sunset."

Is this the little girl I carried?(well actually, I've never met her)
Is this the little boy at play?
I don't remember growing older. When did they?

1 comment:

janepaddy said...

hi michelle! your beijing trip sounds like it was really are you? let's go out for ice cream!