But as far as craft projects go, this one's an exciting one. Below is a picture of the "pattern" for the tetris quilt I've been talking about making for so many months now. Still not sure about the fabrics that I'll use, but I feel like I've made the first step, and am looking forward to doing more!
I'm almost embarrassed to admit how much fun I had working on this design. The process sort of burst my maybe-I'm-not-really-an-anal-retentive-nerd bubble... in an effort to illustrate what I mean by that, let me share with you a few of the "rules" that I set for myself while drawing up the pattern:
1. pieces of the same type (and color) should not touch each other. (Explanation: I don't want pieces to blend into each other on the actual quilt.)
2. each row should have 1 empty space, to increase the authenticity of the tetris scenario. (Explanation: if there were no spaces, the line would disappear.)
3. pieces of the same type should be spread out, and pieces of the 5 different types should be used an equal (or close to equal) number of times. (Explanation: purely aesthetic.)
The last rule proved difficult, especially when I got to the top (I started from the bottom, of course!) and was trying to finish the design without using partial pieces, but still following rules 1 and 2.
In spite of all my efforts, the design does have a couple points which are inconsistent with the game of tetris. Can you spot them?
1. Not positive, but I think the width should be 10 squares, not 12.
2. There are actually 7 different types of tetris pieces, not 5. I did not use different colors to distinguish between pieces that are mirror-images.
I actually did consider the above two points before starting on the design, but decided that the quilt would probably look a little better with more squares and fewer colors/fabrics. So, in the end, after all of my obsessing, I guess I did choose aesthetics over tetrical (adj?) accuracy.
If you're wondering about the triangular graph-paper underneath, my next project is going to be something involving equilateral triangle patchwork...!!!
oo i wanna fly home and quilt with you. i have this martha mag that i bought like 10 years ago cause i liked the quilt on the cover!!! but i think i have to go shopping for a sewing machine first. can't wait to see your tetris quilt! how i wish i still had the gameboy.. then i could play a game
i know, while working on this, i kept wishing that i hadn't sold my gameboy to my brother all those years ago. steve, do you know where the gameboy is now? i'll give you a good price... :)
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